Livre d’or

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Votre message apparaîtra aussitôt dans le Livre d’or qui les affiche par groupe de quatre, du plus récent au plus ancien.

En bas de chaque écran, vous pouvez consulter les autres groupes en cliquant sur les nombres correspondant.

Un grand merci pour votre contribution. A très bientôt sur le site.



  • 19 novembre 2014, par franck


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  • 19 novembre 2014, par College of sciences , diyala University

    The establishment of the Faculty of Science :
    The College of Sciences is considered as the scientific pulpit for the University of Diyala, and it was founded in 2001 as part of the expansion which happened at the University. The College aims to provide effective, and scientifically and practically distinguished cadre to promote the movement of the scientific research and encourage the creative research in order to be highly efficient in themore

  • 18 novembre 2014, par magazine

    The establishment of the Faculty of Science :
    The College of Sciences is considered as the scientific pulpit for the University of Diyala, and it was founded in 2001 as part of the expansion which happened at the University. The College aims to provide effective, and scientifically and practically distinguished cadre to promote the movement of the scientific research and encourage the creative research in order to be highly efficient in the


  • 18 novembre 2014, par college of science diyala university

    The establishment of the Faculty of Science :
    The College of Sciences is considered as the scientific pulpit for the University of Diyala, and it was founded in 2001 as part of the expansion which happened at the University. The College aims to provide effective, and scientifically and practically distinguished cadre to promote the movement of the scientific research and encourage the creative research in order to be highly efficient in the « « “« « more » »” » »

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